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Silk N

Self-service and double well refrigerated cabinet for fresh pre-packed products, with an excellent ratio between display volume and footprint occupied on the ground.

It enhances the specific areas of supermarkets and hypermarkets and merges itself into the furnishing of themed shops and reduced spaces thanks to its compact dimensions, giving a touch of elegance.

Flexible layout thanks to four lengths and to the head cabinet; two versions with different load capacities and the possibility to customise with the materials of the Finishing Collection range.

  • Temperature: MT
  • Class: 3M1 – 3M2 – 3H
  • Cabinet type: Serve-over LS

Commercial Category


Technical Features

  • High efficiency fans
  • LED lighting
  • Natural Defrost Plus
  • Off-cycle defrost
  • Remote condensing unit
  • Ventilated

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